Address (R.F.D. - HCR)______________________________________________
Daddy (If unknown, attach list of three suspect(s):_________________________
Neck Shade: [ ] Light Red [ ] Medium Red [ ] Dark Red
Number of Teeth Exposed in Full Grin: ______ Upper: ______ Lower: ______
Make of Pickup Owned:_______________________ Size of Tires:___________
Number of Empty Beer Cans on Floor of Pickup:_______________
Truck Equipped with:
[ ] Gun Rack [ ] Mud Flaps [ ] Camper Top [ ] Air Horn [ ] 8-Track [ ] 4-Wheel Drive [ ] American Flag [ ] Rust [ ] Fuzz Buster [ ] Load of Wood [ ] Hijack Shocks [ ] Mud Tires [ ] Spittoon [ ] Running Boards [ ]C.B. Antennas [ ] Roll Bar
Bumper Stickers:
[ ] Wave if Your Horny [ ] I Dig Clams [ ] Almost Heaven, Bucksport [ ] I Snatch Kisses and Vise Versa [ ] Where the Hell is Orrington? [ ] Maine-iac [ ] Honk if You Love Jesus [ ] Redman Chewing Tobacco [ ] Wood is Wonderful [ ] I Ain't No Flatlander! [ ] Olde Fart [ ] Save the Black Fly [ ] All you ecological bastards can freeze to death in the dark!
Favorite Beverage:
[ ] Genesee [ ] Nastyganset [ ] Labatt [ ] Molson [ ] Moosehead [ ] Bangor Tap Water [ ] Budweiser
Favorite Vocalist:
[ ] Elvis [ ] Conway Twitty [ ] Loretta Lynn [ ] Slim Whittman [ ] Johnny Cash [ ] Willie Nelson [ ] Dick Curlis [ ] George Jones [ ] Bert & I
Favorite Recreation:
[ ] Square Dancin [ ] Coon Hunting [ ] Fishing with LIVE BAIT [ ] Drankin [ ] Drankin [ ] Drankin [ ] Blue Grass Fest [ ] Jackin [ ] Get'n Drunk
Favorite Weapon:
[ ] Tire Iron [ ] Pick Handle [ ] Log Chain [ ] .22
Number of Hounds: _________ Type: [ ] Blue Tick [ ] Beagle [ ] Black & Tan
Cap Emblem:
[ ] John Deere [ ] Stihl [ ] Foggy Mt. [ ] CAT [ ] Sugar Loaf [ ] Eat Me [ ] Skoal [ ] Budweiser
[ ] NRA [ ] VFW [ ] PTL Club [ ] Ducks Unlimited [ ] Fish & Game Club [ ] KKK [ ] Snow Warriors
Length of Right Leg:__________________ Length of Left Leg:______________
How many cars do you have up on blocks in your front yard?_______________
How many kitchen appliances will you keep on your front porch?____________ (Working or Not)
When was your last Elvis sighting?_______________________
Do you wear mostly polyester pants with snags?____________________
Do you own any shoes (not counting boots), if so how man?________________
Are you married to any of the following?: [ ] Sister [ ] Cousin [ ] Cousin's Sister [ ] Sow
Does your wife weigh more than your pickup?_________________
Can you sign your name and spell it right every time?________________
Have you ever stayed sober for a whole weekend?__________________
Can you count: [ ] Past 10 with your shoes on? [ ] Past 21 with your fly up?
Have you EVER had more than one bath in a week?________ Month?_______
Medical Information:
Do you have at least 2 of the following:
[ ] B.O. [ ] Crabs [ ] Head Lice [ ] Bad Breath [ ] Scabies [ ] Yellow Teath [ ] Green Teath [ ] Runny Nose [ ] Tattoos [ ] Cross Eyed [ ] Stutter [ ] Fleas
Your signature (One "X" will do):_________________________ Date:________